So first things triathlon May 1st was a success...I couldn't have been more proud of myself. My swim rocked, bike...well it was decent...but I really kicked it on the run! I averaged 8:20/mile...that is fast for me, especially after a swim and bike. My total time was 1 hour 30 min and 52 seconds. I placed 10/29 in my age division, 55/226 women and 264/620 competitors.
After my tri my life starting getting crazy busy between working two jobs and switching jobs too. Also had some unexpected expenses as well as time away from the gym. With that being said I will not be doing the Ironman 70.3 in Lawrence in June...instead I will be doing the Ironman 70.3 in Branson in September. I am hoping that with it being closer to home maybe I will have more support and not be totally alone like I would have been in Lawrence. It also will give me more time to train, and I really like that idea.
On another note I went back to Crossfit today (first time in 3 weeks). I did the row class...can we say ouch!!!
500 m row
400m farmer's walk (with 35# KB....hold one in each arm as you walk)
1000 m row
40 KB squats (25# KB)
500 m row
40 KB swings (20# KB...yes I know...weak sauce)
1000 m row
40 hand release push ups
500 m row
40 knees to elbows
I was exhausted not too mention I ate crap food that day and had a couple sodas. I also tore up my hands pretty good hands again, gotta love those calluses. I am hoping I can stay with it and do at least a row class weekly and a couple WODs a week too. Hopefully more but we will see how it goes. Wish me luck!!